to schedule a visit, email
North Beach Kids is about growth and development in a nurturing, safe environment. We welcome all children regardless of race, religion,creed or national origin. We like to treat each child as an individual and aid them in their daily decision making. We are here to assist in their growth and provide each child every possibility to explore and experience new things. Emphasis is on enjoying the environment, indoors and outdoors, by exploring a variety of activities within the limits established by the teaching staff. Planned experiences enable the children to grow emotionally, socially, intellectually and physically using their natural abilities, interests and temperaments to develop positive feelings about themselves and their world.
Days and Hours of Operation
The schools are open year round, Monday through Friday 8:00am - 5:00pm
Full-time care: 8:00am - 5:00pm, Part-time care: 8:00am - 1:00pm
A school calendar is issued on August 1st, listing all holidays and other days that the school will be closed.
Ages of Children Accepted for Care
6 months until Kindergarten. The earliest age of a child accepted will be 6 months as of September 1st.
Field Trip Provisions
All field trips will be within 2 miles of North Beach Kids. We will leave the school daily, walking or taking Muni to go to various local, neighborhood parks, gardens, events and attractions. We will get dirty! We will always be safe, but know that we will get dirty. A field trip waiver is included in your welcome package.
Transportation Arrangements
Most of our transportation needs will be met by MUNI. In the occasional event of a field trip (please see above), all children will be placed in safety-approved car seats as required by California State law. Parents may be requested to provide a car seat for the day.
Food Service Provisions
Lunches will be provided by the children’s parents every day. North Beach Kids has a cold food area for preparation of morning and afternoon snacks, as well as lunch if child has forgotten his/her lunch. The kitchen area is equipped with a refrigerator and freezer for food storage, cold and hot water sink, and a microwave. The facility does not have a stove. Parents are asked to bring in a nutritious lunch/dinner every day in a lunchbox clearly labeled with your child’s name. North Beach Kids will provide morning and afternoon snacks. These will include a healthy variety of fruit, focaccia bread, muffins, goldfish, cereal, pretzels, crackers, cheese, as well as gluten free options. Water will be provided with all snacks. Please inform the Director of any food allergies.
Medication Policy
North Beach Kids’ staff will dispense medication only with written consent by the parent. All medications must be clearly labeled with the child’s name. Parents are responsible for keeping a child home when there is any doubt about a child’s health. A child that does not feel well enough to participate comfortably in the day’s activities needs to remain at home. Please keep children at home if they have: a contagious infection, a fever, vomiting, diarrhea, heavy continuous nasal discharge or a constant cough. A child must be free from all symptoms for 24 hours before returning to the program.
Services to be Provided if a Child Has a Medical or Dental Emergency
If an emergency arises, a qualified staff administers first aid care, calls the parents, and if necessary emergency medical personnel. Staff will accompany the child to the nearest hospital where emergency treatment is administered. The staff will remain with the child until the parent arrives. If the parents/guardians are unable to be contacted, we will then try to contact the child’s Emergency Contacts provided. The child’s current Consent for Medical/Dental Treatment form (LIC 627) will be on file in the case of emergencies. All records will be kept available on-site in a dedicated administrative area. In the event neither parent can be reached, the child's physician will be contacted. An accident report log is kept at the front desk with detailed information on any injury to a child. An incident report is kept in the log, in the child's file, and a copy given to the parent within 24 hours of any injury.
/ Sign-out Procedures
Parents are required by California law to sign their children in and out each day. The person will use a full legal signature when signing in/out and will record the time of day. If a person from the authorization list picks up the child, photo identification may be required. If an alternate not on the authorization list needs to pick up the child, written notice will be given to the center at drop off. All sign-in / sign-out records will be kept available on-site in a dedicated administrative area.
Admission Policies
North Beach Kids accepts applications for enrollment throughout the year; however, our official school year begins August 1st. Students may enroll at any time through the year, provided space is available. Enrollment will be granted without discrimination in regard to sex, race, color, religion, or beliefs.
Applicants who wish to have their name placed on the North Beach Kids waiting list must submit a completed enrollment form. Admission will be granted on the basis of availability. Parents/guardians will be notified by phone when space becomes available. The below paperwork must be completed and submitted for enrollment. Medical reports and emergency contact information must be current at all times. (*additional forms are required for infants).
Completed registration form
Interview with parents and Director
Interview with child and Director (supervised play and interaction with group)
Signed and dated copy of the Admissions Agreement
First and last month’s tuition payment
Signed and dated copy of State forms below
Notification of Parent's Rights (LIC 995)
Personal Rights (LIC 613A)
Consent for Emergency Medical Treatment (LIC 627)
Identification and Emergency Information (LIC 700)
Physician's Report (LIC 701)
Child's Preadmission Health History (LIC 702)
Up to date immunization record. California School Immunization Law requires that children receive a series of Immunizations before entry to schools, childcare centers, or family childcare homes. The following immunizations are required for preschool age children:
- 3 Polio - 4 DTaP - 3 Hep B - 1 MMR, on or after the first birthday - 1 Hib, on or after the first birthday - 1 Varicella (chickenpox)
All copies of records will be kept available on-site in a dedicated administrative area.
Discipline Policies
Treating children as individuals and discussing their choices is what we feel works best at North Beach Kids. Helping the children learn compassion and understanding for their fellow classmates is the goal of NBK. Children will be encouraged to learn problem-solving skills and become self- correcting. They will be given the opportunity to choose alternatives that will enable them to participate in a socially acceptable manner without reinforcing their negative behavior. Staff will use positive enforcement while supervising children, encouraging them to cooperate and continue using appropriate behaviors. Children will be redirected to an alternate activity if their behavior continues to be inappropriate.
If the situation becomes dangerous for anyone involved, then the child will be removed from the situation. The child will be placed quietly to reflect on the situation before discussing the situation again, all while being supervised by a staff member. If the situation continues to be of concern or escalates, the child’s parents/guardians will be contacted.
Physical / corporal punishment is never an option! Communication is key to a strong working relationship between the teachers and parents/guardians. We encourage parents to visit North Beach Kids any time. We are more than happy to share any information about your child, how their day went, what they ate, etc. Teacher conferences can be requested at any time during the year by the parent or teacher.
Grounds for Dismissal:
The school reserves the right to dismiss a child from attendance for any reason whatsoever, including, but not limited to, health, lack of adjustment to the preschool setting, behavior that disrupts the cooperative climate of the classroom or delinquency of the tuition account.